Ian Christoplos has been an active researcher throughout his career. Between 2009 and 2017 he was a senior researcher focused on climate change adaptation at the Danish Institute for International Studies.
A major focus of evaluations has been analyses of the work of think tanks and research networks involved with policy influence and active application of evidence in development praxis. These include leading evaluations of the Think Tank Initiative, which supported 43 think tanks globally, Afrobarometer, the Latin American Council for Social Sciences (CLACSO), The Cambodia Development Resource Institute, a review of five South Africa based think tanks working with conflict issues, the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa, and the International Foundation for Science.
As part of his evaluation work and research Ian Christoplos has been closely involved in supporting learning and methods development with particular emphasis on humanitarian action. He joined ALNAP in 2000 and was a member of the steering committee from 2000 to 2004. He has also undertaken a range of assignments for ALNAP, including as co-author of the recently released guide for evaluating protection in humanitarian action and a paper on the quality of evidence in humanitarian evaluations. He is also co-author of a guide to evaluation of rural advisory services.
Ian Christoplos is active in other efforts to use evaluations and accountability initiatives to improve development cooperation and humanitarian performance. He was deeply involved in various initiatives that ultimately led to the establishment of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership and led the realtime evaluation of its pilot under the Humanitarian Accountability Project. He was the lead author of a peer review of the WFP evaluation function. Ian has also advised a range of conflict-related research programmes, including the ODI-led Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, the Dutch IS Academy on Human Security in Fragile States and other research and capacity development initiatives.
Recent assignments
2015 – 2019 International Development Research Centre
Team leader: Evaluation of the Think Tank Initiative
2017 Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Team leader: Evaluation of Swedish support to Afrobarometer
2017 Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Team leader: Evaluation of Swedish support to CLACSO
2016 Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP)
Consultant: Co-author of guide to evaluating protection in humanitarian assistance, drafting of a guidance paper on the quality of evidence in evaluations and development of a tool for assessing evidence in humanitarian evaluations.
2016 Evaluation Function of the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers
Consultant: Quality assurance and preparation of a background paper on the role of the CGIAR in engaging with agricultural extension as part of an evaluation of the CGIAR’s role in capacity development.
2015 Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Team leader: Evaluation of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa
2009 – 2017 Danish Institute for International Studies
Senior researcher: Analysis of issues related to the role of local institutions in relation to poverty and natural resource management, with particular focus on climate change and disaster risk reduction. Leader of the Danida funded research project on Climate Change and Rural Institutions in Viet Nam, Nepal, Uganda and Zambia.